Ideas are aplenty, the wish to realize them even more so.
We want to focus on concrete projects, aiming to provide a perceptible help and to allow for a solution to day-today problems.
We would like to be able to become a reference point, a “friend” that can facilitate life in this difficult moment.
Associazione Vittoria is present! And here to lend a hand to those in need!

Our first project: THE CHILDRENS MINIBUS!
Here we go we are ready to start!
We have a wonderful minibus that will help families in transit to reach the necessary cures.
Our volunteers will be available to handle all requests and they will accompany and assist when necessary.
At the moment, we are available to the children who are receiving treatment at the National Institute of Cancer in Milan and that are staying in the vicinity of the hospital.
Soon we will arrange to be even more present and available!

There are many ways in which you can help us, even the smallest of gestures for us is important, it makes us feels more united and stronger. Make the children’s needs and the targets the Associations have set for itself known. Support the Association in its growth and the help it offers in almost any way you find to be useful.
It would be wonderful to have you on board! We have a lot of work to do! Support us with your help; it will be a marvellous experience!